Why Embracing Feedback is Better Than Fearing It

Why Embracing Feedback is Better Than Fearing It

Feedback Are Those Gems That Can Motivate Us And Elevate Our Work To The Next Level

For perfectionists, accepting Feedback from others about their experiences can be challenging.

As they often tie their self-worth to their performance and hold themselves to high standards, receiving Feedback that isn’t perfect can feel like a personal attack.

This can lead them to avoid or dismiss Feedback altogether. However, it’s essential to treat Feedback as a valuable opportunity for growth and improvement, similar to a delicious dessert after a satisfying meal.

If you struggle with this, here are some tips to help you feel motivated and uplifted when receiving Feedback.

5 Tips that will motivate you at Work

#Please remember the difference between “state” and “trait.”

Receiving Feedback can be challenging, but it’s important to remember not to take it too personally or make sweeping generalizations.

For instance, if someone provides Feedback that a particular asset isn’t working well, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a terrible designer.

Similarly, a colleague feeling unsupported in one specific situation doesn’t automatically make you a terrible co-worker.

It’s natural to internalize Feedback and view it as a negative reflection of ourselves. Still, it’s crucial to recognize that Feedback is intended to help us grow and improve, not to diminish our worth as individuals or designers.

By acknowledging this, we can approach Feedback constructively and use it to our advantage.

# Discover the positive intentions behind something.

A change in perspective can reveal that what may appear as a weakness could be a strength with a positive connotation.

Shyness, for example, may indicate conscientiousness, while anxiety could serve as a form of protection against humiliation, and impulsivity can demonstrate the ability to take action.

It’s important to note that this perspective doesn’t excuse any responsibilities but rather highlights that certain behaviours or tendencies may have some positive aspects that you may not want to forego as you focus on personal growth.

# Mindfulness and self-compassion are essential traits for a rewarding life.

A lack of mindfulness can hinder our progress by limiting our awareness of experiences. Similarly, overcoming life’s inevitable challenges can only be possible with self-compassion.

Practising self-compassion involves treating ourselves as coaches, setting achievable goals while acknowledging our imperfections and being kind to ourselves.

As individuals, we constantly evolve and progress rather than be mechanical entities designed to attain flawlessness. Possessing domains in which we can develop and gain knowledge is advantageous.

# Having growth areas is a good thing.

“That you have areas to work on! It means you haven’t reached the peak of your game and can still improve. Imagine if you had no areas you could improve upon.

You would have maxed out your potential and wouldn’t have the chance to secure a starting position!”

Remember that the growth areas mean you still have the potential to develop, and there’s no telling what you’re capable of once you acknowledge and bring attention to those areas!

# Realize that feeling uncomfortable is healthy, standard, and part of the process when we receive Feedback.

Experiencing discomfort is a natural part of life that we all encounter, whether it’s physical or emotional.

While there are various ways to escape it, such as taking medication, eating, drinking, distracting ourselves, numbing our feelings, and avoiding or suppressing them, it’s important to recognize that discomfort is an essential and routine aspect of growth.

By creating space for it and facing the challenging emotions that come with it, we open ourselves up to experiencing something truly magical.

Therefore, instead of avoiding discomfort, we should embrace it and see it as an opportunity for personal development.

My Learning

Being honest and direct is crucial for improvement. Critical Feedback is always welcome since it helps me enhance my Work.

It’s important not to shy away from Feedback, even if it comes from friendly colleagues or clients. Instead, embrace it with a positive attitude.

I can tell you that feedback is only helpful when it leads to solutions or new perspectives. Motivation is an incredibly potent tool that can take our work to unprecedented heights.

I appreciate and enjoy receiving Feedback.

What strategies do you find helpful when receiving Feedback?

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